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Myu || she/her || digital artist || ENG/FR || INFJ ⋆˙⟡

Hi there. Curious about me, aren't you?

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★Since when did you start drawing?
I have drawn for as long as I can remember but I started drawing "seriously" back in 2017 when I first created my instagram account!
★Are you self-taught?
Yes :) There's ton of ressources online! Anyone can learn to draw if they put their heart into it and that's the beauty of art. AI fake "artists" are just a bunch of losers.
★What drawing program/software do you use?
I use Clip Studio Paint Pro (CSP) with a no screen Huion graphic tablet. However, now, I primarily use procreate with my iPad Air (4th gen) + apple pencil!
★What brushes do you use in procreate?
I use a bunch of them and it's pretty hard to showcase everything but one of my fav brush is the Sketch Round brush from Jingsketch Procreate Brushes: Basic 10. I mainly use it for both sketching and lineart. For default procreate brushes, I also often use HB pencil, hard blend, gouache, tamar, nikko rull and soft brush.
★Do you take art request?
I usually don't take those unless I specifically ask for it. Same goes for art trade (mainly only open for mutuals tho).
★Can you make art tutorials?
I do them from time to time when I feel like it. I'm not the best at explaining my art process because, i'm gonna be so honest with you, I don't even know what i'm doing half of the time HAHA. I do occasionally share my speedpaints (they are all in my insta highlight). If you have any questions, i'm always happy to answer them in dm ♡
★Can I repost your art?
I personally don't mind repost ONLY IF YOU PROPERLY CREDIT ME.
★I'm OKAY with my art being used for social media layouts (icon, banner, etc.), edits and repost WITH CREDIT.DON'T use my art for tracing, heavy referencing, selling and claiming it as your own (or else I will bite you).★Why do you keep taking art hiatus?
A well known fact about me is that I can't draw and post consistently for the life of me.. I used to blame school for my inactivity but I realized in the hard way that I just easily get art block for no reason lol. I have changed with how I view art and social medias and no longer wish to pursue fame and numbers. So yeah, basically, i'm taking it slow and try not to force myself too much if i'm unmotivated. Art is meant to be fun! :3
★Can we be friend/mutual?
Please refrain yourself to ask me this, it makes me very uncomfortable. Friendship is something that is build naturally through interactions. I enjoy dming people whether we are close or not (don't be shy i'm super friendly!) but please respect my boundaries.
★What fandoms are you in?
I consider myself multifandom, meaning i'm part of a lot of them! My interests are never permanent because they always depend on the medias i'm consuming at that time. I would say currently i'm really into JJK, chainsaw man and omori. It's always changing!
★Who's your biggest art inspirations?
Honestly, everyone I follow and my friends/mutuals + pinterest! I find inspiration in about anything. I particularly LOVE artworks with a cinematic/atmospheric feel to them. Though, If you were to ask my favorite artist I think currently I would say Yuto Sano (their art style has me in chokehold, I need to inject it into my veins /pos).
★What do you like to draw?
Definitely my ocs (original characters)!! I considered myself first and foremost an oc artist. I always brainrot about them, it's a disease.. I have highlight stories and an hashtag #myunoky_oc in my insta account if you want more infos about them :))
★Can I draw your ocs?
YES AND I WOULD CRY. Please tag me if you do!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
★Do you have an oc story?
It's kinda super embarassing to admit this but... I'm like so bad at writing a story for my characters. I've been procrastinating about it for years BUT I'TS CURRENTLY ON THE WORK I PROMISE!! This is my main goal in the future!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me through instagram @myunoky
or email [email protected] ✧˖°.

Hello, i'm Myu! I'm a digital and hobbyist artist based in Canada who's pursuing a degree completely unrelated to art. My artworks mainly focus on my silly original characters who I plan to share their story one day. I love drawing atmospheric environments and wish to improve my composition and storytelling skills. Oh. I love cats too :3Thank you for sticking around, fellow little guys from the internet.